Accelerated School-to-Work transition in Britain. Still true?


This paper investigates whether the British pattern of an early transition from school to work persists. We apply sequence analysis to data from the British Household Panel Survey and the UK Household Longitudinal Study to study how education and employment trajectories of young adults born in 1974-90 differ by birth cohort, gender, and socio-economic background. The distinctive British early transition from school to work is still prevalent, although trajectories have become more complex and precarious with an increase in part-time employment and prolonged stays in education among the youngest cohorts. Occupational outcomes of highly educated men and women were quite similar. However, women who did not continue education were more likely to experience turbulent transitions with longer spells of part-time work and inactivity. The proportion of university graduates from lower socioeconomic backgrounds has increased, yet their chances of being in professional and managerial occupations remain significantly lower.

Francisco Rowe
Francisco Rowe
Professor of Population Data Science

My research interests include human mobility and migration; economic geography and spatial inequality; geographic data science.
